About the name...

While I was reading the comments of the last post these days, I noticed how many cool names people suggested for AM2R. I was thinking of choosing a name when the project is near completion, but I don´t see why we can´t choose one now.

The name will be officially be used when the game is released, for now AM2R works well, people know the project by that name and unless the game is released, there´s no need to confuse people. Even the Confrontation demo made some people think the game was done. I won´t be using any name that has SR388 in it, just to avoid even more confusion with VonRichter´s project.

Here are some of the coolest names you suggested, I made a little poll to see which ones you like more.

Right now I´m working on a new miniboss. The sprite set was drawn by Michael Raflik, a very talented spriter. There are other artists working hard on their contribution to the project, I´ll be happy to anouce them when they´re done.

There was also some progress on Area 5. I have the main "most interesting" areas done, now I have to connect them with more rooms and apply tiles to the whole thing.

Well, as always thanks for all your support. If you have new suggestions for the name, I´d like to hear them. I might add it to the poll.


Anonymous said…
Earlier you might've been right about that, but now we're just trying to stop the game from being called Second Mission. Veto!
xCYBERKIDx said…
This is going to be the last time i post a screen here because this isn't my blog.

The glows kind of ruin the screen but i was running out of ideas and it looks like it could be an ablum cover for Celldweller's Wish Upon a Blackstar.


ZXeno said…
Although all of them are good names, I'd be a little hesitant calling it a "Metroid" game. I'm sure this project is already on Nintendo's radar, but it's probably just a minor blip. Publishing a game using one of Nintendo's trademark names is just asking for them to issue a C+D letter. The people who made that fan-made Zelda movie called it "The Hero of Time," rather than give it the "Zelda" title.

I'm thinking you might be safer titling the game "Second Mission," or something vague like that.
Anonymous said…
i liked the screen xCYBERKIDx
Anonymous said…
He's not making any money on this, so i think it's okay.
and metroid: second mission still has metroid in the title and the game should have metroid in the title otherwise bot many people would know about it.
Anonymous said…
Veto 2nd mission!
ZXeno said…
True, if he was making money on this, then Nintendo would shut it down immediately. However, despite the fact that he's not, there are dozens of people who have made fan-made games and movies based off of established franchises and not collected a single penny who have been issued a cease and desist letter from the owning company. The people who made "The Hero of Time" were allowed to freely distribute their movie for about a year until Nintendo decided to pull the plug on it.

Calling the game "Second Mission" was just an example. It doesn't have to be called "Second Mission," however, I advise that the word "Metroid" be omitted from the title. It'll help to prolong the life of this game, since it is foolish to think that Nintendo will allow this to last forever.
Anonymous said…
I don't give a s**t about the title. Name it "fart, blogs and beer" for all I care. I just want to play it. plus if you named it "Fart, Blogs, 'n' Beer" it would be pretty funny.
Anonymous said…
Are we going to have a new post soon?
It's been awhile...
Jarkka said…
"Second mission"? what the hell dudes? Even though the original was the second Metroid game ever, it doesnt mean that it was the second Metroid related mission for Samus. It was the sixth, actually.
Anonymous said…
shut the hell up you whiners; you can't veto a name just because you don't like it, or think it has an unfair number of votes.
Anonymous said…
I think that Second Mission is the best name. And the votes speak for themselves.
Cr0virus said…
To be honest, smartest thing for Dr. M is to choose the name by himself. It's hard to believe so many folks are choosing such a stupid name as Second Mission. Seeing you can vote over and over again, as someone stated, it's more likely some obsessed retard keeps hitting the vote for the same name.
Again, poll thing wasn't a bad idea, it just turned out being misused and creator should decide of the name by himself.
Anonymous said…
Not true. I tried to vote for second mission twice, and it wouldn't let me do it the second time.
Anonymous said…
Second Mission es un nombre bueno. Muy bien!
Anonymous said…
As a member of the 80's, I purchased and played Metroid NES, Metroid 2 GB, Metroid 3 SNES, Metroid Fusion, Zero Mission, and Prime.
I found Fusion to suck. I wouldn't consider Prime a part of the series. Zero Mission was a bit refreshing. Maybe I've just lost my ability to adapt to the new direction of Video games.
I find this to be a reminder of Metroid 2 kind of like Zero Mission was a reminder of the original. I bet there are others in my category. So, disregarding the other Metroid games, and only considering the first three as the true games, Metroid 2 would be the Second Mission.

However, since the remake of the first game is called Zero Mission, the proper sequence would probably be to call this the FIRST MISSION. So first Mission or Second Mission would be a good game. I'm all for these. And please do not include a stupid idea like ice missiles in this game. Please.(I say please as a petition, not with arrogance)
Anonymous said…
"Not true. I tried to vote for second mission twice, and it wouldn't let me do it the second time."

It works after you clear your cookies and browsing history from your browser.
Anonymous said…
No it doesn't. Just tried it. You shouldn't lead people on. It tends to tick them off. Veto you, and veto Second Mission!
Anonymous said…
new post! please
Unknown said…
Metroid 2: The Hunt
Metroid 2: Vengeance
Metroid 2: Mission Extinction
Metroid 2: Target Extinction
Metroid 2: Mission Strike
Metroid 2: Omega

Metroid 2: Samus Saga
Metroid 2: Hunter Samus
Metroid 2: Samus Evolved
Metroid 2: Samus's Tale

Beta Mission: Metroid 2
Samus 2: Metroid's Return
Pabloscko said…
I have another name everyone of you would like!

Metroid: the forgotten mission.

because its the only mission still in white and black and using the old-style graphs.
Anonymous said…
Christopher? Stop trying please. You're going to get yourself hurt.
Anonymous said…
Please dont name it second mission... just please.
NicoleW said…
Doc. Can you please make a new blog post?! I check your blog about twice a day, and I'm sick of reading posts off people arguing about something that will eventually end up being your decision. So could we please move on?
Anonymous said…
@NicoleW: Because discussion can never lead to anything good, right? Doc is the one that asked us to discuss. I say let us discuss. I trust his judgement either way. Plus, how is coming in here asking for a new blog post while he's probably working on the game and has nothing to say more productive than discussion?
Gostei muito do remake. Acho que um nome legal seria Metroid: Extinction.
Aproveitando... nas futuras versoes será implementada um save game?
NicoleW said…
@Anonymous: No, not at all. When the discussion is "shut the hell up you whiners; you can't veto a name just because you don't like it, or think it has an unfair number of votes."
And "Veto 2nd mission!"
It's the same thing over an over again, nothing productive whatsoever.
Which is why I think we need a new subject.
Anonymous said…
I just watched a 100% run for Confrontation, and I noticed you're calling the Spring Ball the Jump Ball. Now I know that starting with Fusion that's what Nintendo has been calling it but in my opinion Spring Ball sounds better. Plus it really irks me for some reason when I get that upgrade and it says Jump Ball. So let's go with what Yokoi called it okay?
Chapolin Colorado said…
Metroid: Second Mission is a lack of creativity and its wrong, because after the first game (Metroid, for NES), chronologically, comes the Prime series.

The best is Metroid: Extinction.

Sorry for any english error ^^
Anonymous said…
Mega Man X, Castlevania: Dracula X... how about Metroid X or something similar? X Mission, maybe?
Anonymous said…
Calling it Metroid X would make people expect to see the X-Parasites which Doc has already said he wasn't including in the game.
Anonymous said…
@NicoleW: I agree that most people here are being kind of stupid, but I think both Doc and you are smart enough to ignore the noise and see that there ARE commenters trying to help out. Plus, it doesn't really matter if we get a new subject, stupid people will still be around.
a veto here for second mission
Anonymous said…
What about "Metroid: The lost mission" you know cause that game was never remade and without a good remake like this one it may as well be lost to time.
Anonymous said…
I can see it now:"Metroid: The Land Before Time"
Flying Sharptooth!!!
MarioBro said…
The name must be like all other metroid games see SM its because of a metroid that grew super, what about fusion, its because of the fusion of metroid and x in samus herself, and now it needs to be related to the game, mzm had nothing too special, it was just her first "not commanded mission", and Metroid Second Mission won't make a great impact, the best choice is Extinct
SpiderTECH said…
Why does it need a new name. Is it a new game? No, it's a remake of a game already made. Therefore I think it either needs to stay as AM2R or Metroid 2: Revisited. Who cares if its not her second Mission. It was the 2nd Metroid game created. Which makes it Metroid 2. Prequels are Prequels. You don't number Prequels -1 or 1.5. Just leave it the way it is.
Unknown said…
Hows this for an idea:

Metroid: AM2R

AM2R stands for:

Amassed Metroids: The 2nd Resistance.
Anonymous said…

Yeah that rolls off the tongue.
Jari said…
Oh please dont ruin your project by calling it "second mission"
Anonymous said…
so.. doc.. new post for february coming soon? any updates..? anything?

at least tell us what you think of this monster response of these new names (like how much many of us hate the second mission idea)
Anonymous said…
Please post sth it´s been almost a month since last update and I´m starting to get mad :P
Anonymous said…
I prefer the name ''Metroid 2 Advanced''.
Anonymous said…
Metroid Apocalypse
Or Return 2 the Metroid apocalypse
If you what something to do with am2r
PROT said…
My vote is for:

Metroid II: Evolution

Great job Dr!
see you next.
 /    O   \
 \  O  O /
Tobi said…
just pick any and SAY it out after that people will know what it is and they can play IT so plzzz pick the one with highest wotes and just get it OVER with okay cuzz we all wanna play realy bad and the name doesnt matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Metroid II - Regeneration :3
Idk why, it just popped into my head
Thunderchin said…
I move to name the game Metroid: One Mission.
Someguy said…
Why not call it "Metroid Spores"? I always wanted that title for a metroid game. Anyway, my vote went for "Metroid Second Mission". That sounds the coolest - and I don't care about chronology.
you could put the sense move on this game...
cedupont said…
I think Metroid Termination should be well since the mission is to terminate all metroids species at planet sr-388.

For the title "The last Metroid" It reminds me of Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion, where we can see other metroids.
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